12 December 2006

Bloody pop ups and IE7

Turned on computer to find out that windows update had decided to update my internet explorer. With all the bad press around, i had to think about trying it out. In the end, I gave it a go. Ok the look and feel of it has changed (to look more like another browser I may add) but when visiting the good old Croydon advertiser site, got a bit of a shock when the adverts take over and start popping up

As you guessed, I am one of those who hate pop ups, pop unders etc etc. That for me was a good enough reason to say no more to IE7 and welcome back my other browser Firefox.

For those who have not got this browser, it is great. No pop ups, loads of extras and it is free. It also works along site "Thunder bird" which is ten times better than outlook.

While we are on the subject of advertising, I know we use advertising on our site but we do carefully think about who we add, which after looking at C.A. web site, they may not be. They have a certain car finance company which at this time of year is pushing people who are in need of finance into a false sense of help.

As someone who has seen first hand what they are like, please, please DO NOT USE THEM. Visit the consumer action group first and read the posts on this car finance company and then you will get to see how many people have been affected by the way they sell you a deal which you will take years to pay back.

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